Saint Apostle Matthew's parish.
Address: Tervuursestraat, 56
B-3000 Leuven
Collegium Latino-Americanum, 1-st floor
web-site: http://www.leuven.rusorthodox.be
Worship: Sundays - Divine liturgy at 10 am.
Liturgical languages: Church-Slavonic, Dutch and English.
Archpriest Alexander Yavorousky - rector
mob. +32 498 83 45 56
aliaksandr.yavarouski[at]telenet.be |
deacon Stefaan Devroey
tel. 0495 20 20 22
stefaan.pelgrim[at]gmail.com |
A Russian Orthodox parish had existed in Leuven/Louvain from 1923 to around 1975. After an interruption of nearly thirty years' the first Liturgy in Russian was celebrated in the city on 29 November 2003 in a Roman-Catholic church made available by the dean of the city. Since then, every week the St Mattew parish brings together orthodox worshippers of different origins living in and around Leuven.